tasty apple recipes - Knowledge Search
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Apples can be cooked using many methods. They can be cooked on their own and eaten as a side dish, or they can be cooked up to create recipes such as delicious apple butter. Also, to serve with meats, such as ham, pork, and poultry, try making Caramelized Apples as a side dish.
Most often several apple preparation tasks are required when using apples in recipes. Some of the commonly used apple preparations are peeling, coring, cutting, and slicing. It is also necessary to prevent the apples from turning brown for some recipes.
All About Apples - Additional Articles:Apple Preparation | Prevent Browning | Apple Cooking
Apples A to G | Apples H to P | Apples Q to Z
Haralson Apple
A variety of apple that is medium sized, bright red in color with a spot of green, and pronounced small tan-colored spots all over the outer skin.
All About Apples - Additional Articles:Apple Preparation | Prevent Browning | Apple Cooking
Apples A to G | Apples H to P | Apples Q to Z
Red Delicious Apple
A large, bright red apple with an elongated shape that has five distinctive knobs on the bottom.
There are many types of apples ranging from small varieties, like the Cameo, to very large varieties, like the Opalescent. Each variety has its own coloring, texture, and taste, which sets them apart from each other. Learn how easy it is to prepare and cook apples.
When using apples in a recipe where they are served fresh, let us show you how to prevent apples from turning brown so they will stay looking fresh longer. When cooking apples it is not as much of a concern because once they are cooked, the browning will stop.
Apple crisp is a scrumptious apple dessert that is especially popular in the fall when the apples are in season. Other fruits and berries, such as peaches, pears, blueberries, and rhubarb are also used alone or in combination to make delicious crisps.
An apple crisp is very similar to an apple crumble and apple cobbler in the manner that they do not traditionally have a bottom crust but each has a little different topping. The topping for an apple crisp is generally of a coarser texture than that of the apple crumble and the cobbler has a topping similar to a pie crust. With all of the great varieties of apples that are available during apple season you have many apple crisp recipes to choose from but can also enjoy Apple Crumble, Apple Pandowdy, and Apple Brown Betty recipes.
Use your favorite baking apples for this easy to make apple crumble recipe. An apple crumble is very similar to an apple crisp except that the topping for an apple crisp generally contains oats and often nuts, giving it a coarser texture than the apple crumble topping.
Apple butter is great on toast, bread, and plain crackers. It is especially good when the apple butter is homemade. We can show you how to make apple butter, which may seem time consuming, but it is well worth the effort. Starting with good applesauce is important.
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Also, see How to Make:Peach Cobbler | Apple Crisp | Apple Crumble | Blueberry BuckleApple Pandowdy | Blueberry Grunt | Peach Slump
Apple Brown Betty
Brown Betty is a name given to an early era baked pudding dessert made by those who came to America during the 1600's.
Also, see How to Make:Peach Cobbler | Apple Crisp | Apple Crumble | Blueberry BuckleApple Brown Betty | Blueberry Grunt | Peach Slump
Apple Pandowdy
A pandowdy is a sweet dessert that is made with a pastry or bread dough topping that covers a fruit base made from one or several fruits.
crock pot, slow cooker, slow cooking
This helpful video shows you some easy ways to cut calories and maintain a more healthful diet during the 4th of July holiday. In a holiday filled with backyard cookouts and barbecues, these dietary tips help you to make the proper food choices without sacrificing the foods that you crave during the height of summertime fun.
Enriched and/or Flavored Breads
Some basic yeast bread recipes are enhanced with other ingredients that change the characteristics of the bread including the texture, flavor, and color.
Cheeses of Italy: Farmhouse to Mozzarella
A term commonly applied to any of the different types of European cheeses that are made by traditional cheese making methods and are produced from the raw milk of animals, such as cows, goats, and sheep that are raised on small regional farms, mountain chalet farms, or mountain huts.
Greens Preparation | Greens Cooking | Tips
A generic name given to several types of leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, escarole, dandelion, and turnip greens that are often used in salads.
Hams | Raw Hams | Specialty Ham | Miscellaneous
Hams are cuts of pork that come from the leg, which have been dry cured (country hams) or wet-cured (city hams) and then boiled or smoked.
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