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grain products - wheat Article
Described below are some of the products (including flour) created directly from wheat. Other than a few exceptions, products that are created after the grain has been milled into flour are not described, because they are so numerous.
turkey nutritional facts Article
The USDA recommends 2 or 3 servings of meat, fish, or poultry per day. A serving of any type of cooked meat is equal to 3 ounces and is about the size of a deck of cards. Concerns over saturated fat and cholesterol have caused many people to reduce or eliminate their consumption of many types of red meat and to choose a healthier alternative such as turkey.
turkey rotisserie grilling Article
General Guidelines for Rotisserie Grilling of TurkeyRotisserie Grilling Using a Charcoal GrillRotisserie Grilling Using a Gas Grill | Turkey Doneness Rotisserie grilling requires three key components: The spit assembly, a means to turn the spit, and a heat source for cooking.
beef rotisserie cooking Article
General Guidelines | Charcoal Grill | Gas Grill | Doneness Rotisserie cooking requires three key components: The spit assembly, a means to turn the spit, and a heat source for cooking.
all about greens Article
Greens Preparation | Greens Cooking | Tips Greens A generic name given to several types of leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, escarole, dandelion, and turnip greens that are often used in salads.
all about beans Article
Fresh Beans | Fresh Bean Preparation | Fresh Bean Cooking | Fresh Bean TipsDried Beans | Dried Bean Preparation | Dried Bean Cooking Beans A generic name given to various plants in the legume family.
ham nutritional facts Article
Pork production today has drastically changed to produce much leaner meat than what it did 25 years ago. Better breeding and feeding of the hogs and a grading system that stimulates the meat packers to trim more of the external fat than they did in the past has resulted in leaner meat.
herbs Article
The definition of seasoning is to enhance flavor with herbs, spice, & citrus Herbs Herb is the generic name given to hundreds of plants that have fragrant leaves and stems used to season foods.
bouquet garni Article
Herb Bundles A mixture of herbs, either fresh or dried, that are placed into savory foods as they cook to enhance flavor. A bouquet garni may be made from either fresh ingredients tied together or dried ingredients mixed and placed in cheesecloth tied into a bag for dipping into soups, stews, sauces, casseroles, or meat dishes.
the basics of fondue Article
Whether you are serving classic cheese fondue or delectable chocolate dipping sauce, there are basic guidelines on how to fondue. We provide you with a good understanding of the fondue pot, accessories, safety procedures, and great ideas on dipping sauces and foods.
ingredients - d to m Article
Use this ingredient equivalent chart to find out how much of an ingredient you need when your recipe suggests an unfamiliar quantity. A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - PQ - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z  D - Ingredients Ingredient Amount Equivalents Dandelion Greens 1 lb.
food storage and shelf life Article
Organize Your Storage Area | Storage Charts Storing your food properly and under the best condition possible will extend its life to its maximum potential. Some foods can be stored at room temperature and some must be refrigerated.
packing the cooler Article
Packing the cooler safely for an afternoon picnic or a weekend getaway will help to protect your family from food borne illnesses. A properly packed cooler will keep your food below 40ยบ F.
shopping for pasta sauce Article
There are many varieties of pre-made sauces available in food stores and specialty shops that can be used with all varieties of pasta. Experimenting with the pre-made sauces will be the best way to determine what fits your personal preference.
the basics of pairing wine with food Article
The basic concept of pairing wine and food is to compliment and enhance the aroma and flavors of both the food and wine. Reds with heavier meals, whites for lighter meals, red wine with red meat, and white wine with white meat.
food substitutions Article
Use this food substitution and conversion chart to select ingredient substitutes when you are cooking and your recipe suggests ingredients you do not have available. Herbs, Spices and Seasonings | Baking Ingredients | Cheese and Dairy Products | Eggs | Fats, Oils and Vinegars | Fruits and Vegetables | Miscellaneous | Healthy Herbs, Spices and Seasonings Substitutions Food Amount Substitute Allspice 1 tsp 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground cloves OR1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp.
turkey nutritional facts Article
Turkey Meat Nutritional Value | Turkey Products Nutritional ValueTurkey Cooking Nutritional Tips The USDA recommends 2 or 3 servings of meat, fish, or poultry per day. A serving of any type of cooked meat is equal to 3 ounces and is about the size of a deck of cards.
pork nutritional facts Article
Pork producers today have significantly changed production methods to produce much leaner meat than 25 years ago. Better breeding and feeding of the hogs and a grading system that stimulates the meat packers to trim more of the external fat than they did in the past has resulted in leaner meat.
cuts of pork Article
Pork is the meat from the carcass of a pig. The carcass is generally split into two sides of pork, each consisting of four primal cuts. Each primal consists of subprimal cuts that are divided into several specific market ready cuts.
chicken nutritional facts Article
Chicken is high in protein, low in fat and low in cholesterol, making it a good selection for a healthy diet. Our bodies require a certain amount of protein daily and the body does not store protein so we need to replenish it each day.
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