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beverage - Knowledge Search

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food storage and shelf life Article
Organize Your Storage Area | Storage Charts Storing your food properly and under the best condition possible will extend its life to its maximum potential. Some foods can be stored at room temperature and some must be refrigerated.
be my valentine... Article
Valentine's Day has evolved not only as a celebration for adults, but also for children. There are many fun recipes for kids, such as frosted heart-shaped sugar cookies. We have Valentine Day ideas that include food, gifts, and activities for this special day.
cheeses of france gabietou to neufchatel Article
Cheeses of France: Gabietou to Neufchatel Gabietou Pronounced gah-bee-ay-too, this cheese is a mixture of one-third raw sheep's milk and two-thirds cow's milk. Originating in southwestern France, Gabietou Cheese is formed into wheels that range in weight from 6 to 10 pounds.
mexican sauces Article
  Chili or Chile Sauce A sauce or condiment that can be made from any one of many different chili peppers, depending on the desired intensity and flavor. This sauce may be blended with vinegar, herbs, garlic, and other seasonings to produce a somewhat sweet and spicy flavored chili sauce that can be red, green, yellow, or brown in color.
grilling and smoking woods Article
A wide range of woods are suitable for grilling and smoking food. Hardwoods are much better to use than softwoods because hardwoods burn longer and provide more heat. Hardwoods also add more flavor to foods because of the aromatic smoke that is produced as the wood burns.
grilling tools and accessories Article
Personal Protection | Grills | Fuel Types | Fuel Ignition ToolsFlavor Enhancement | Utensils | Cookware | Screens and RacksBaskets | Thermometers | Miscellaneous Accessories | Cleaning Tools The following items are typical of the types of equipment used for grilling food.
grain products - corn Article
Described below are some of the products (including flour) created directly from corn. Other than a few exceptions, products that are created after the grain has been ground into flour are not described, because they are so numerous.
how to read a wine label Article
Labeling requirements vary significantly from country to country. Specific information that is required to be on the label is governed by the local laws at the point of sale where the wine is marketed, rather than where it is produced.
ingredient functions Article
Dry Ingredients | Solid Ingredients | Liquid Ingredients | Fat Ingredients There are many ingredients that have special functions in the baking and cooking process. Some functions are critical to the success of the finished product.
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