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bread shapes Article
Bread Shapes | Bun and Roll Shapes Bread Shapes Bread and rolls are produced in all shapes and sizes, which are determined by a number of factors including: The type of flour used for making the bread Whether or not the bread is leavened How the bread is used Local or regional tradition How the dough is cooked, such as baked, steamed, deep-fat fried, etc.
festival breads Article
Festival Breads Traditionally, festival breads were prepared to denote a special observance of religious or national importance. Some breads were made only once a year, while others were baked weekly, however many of the once-a-year breads are now being offered year round by a greater number of commercial bakers.
creating bread shapes Article
Standard Loaf Pan | Bloomer | Cob or Boule | Coburg | CottageMolded Tin or Split Pan | Baguette | Épi | Fougasse | Braided | Ring | Flat Breads After the dough has been punched down, kneaded, and then has rested briefly, it is ready to be shaped.
shopping for flour Article
Types of Wheat Flour | Types of Non-Wheat FlourImportance of Gluten | Wheat/Non-Wheat Flour Proportions Flour is the main ingredient in all types of breads. Different types of flour milled from wheat are most commonly used for making bread.
flat bread - pita bread Article
Bread Making Demonstration:Flat Bread Pita Bread Pita bread is a type of versatile flat bread that is soft and slightly chewy and often features a pocket inside, which is a result of baking the bread in a hot oven.
all about limes Article
Lime Preparation | Lime Recipes | Tips Limes A small green citrus fruit providing juice or peel that is added to food dishes for a refreshing, tart flavor. It is the smallest of the citrus fruit family.
how to boil eggs for eating or decorating Article
Boiled Using the term "boiled" when referring to cooking eggs in the shell can be misleading, because eggs referred to as "hard-boiled" or "soft-boiled" should never be cooked at a full boil for the entire length of the cooking time.
braising stewing lamb Article
Braising | Stewing Braising and stewing involve the slow cooking of meat in a liquid. This technique tenderizes and softens firm or tough cuts and allows for rich and subtle blending of the meat flavors with those of the liquid and seasonings.
all about radishes Article
Radish Preparation | Radish Cooking Tips Radishes A root vegetable related to the turnip and horseradish family, with a crisp texture and a peppery hot flavor.
all about beans Article
Fresh Beans | Fresh Bean Preparation | Fresh Bean Cooking | Fresh Bean TipsDried Beans | Dried Bean Preparation | Dried Bean Cooking Beans A generic name given to various plants in the legume family.
ham preparation guide Article
Some tasks to be aware of when preparing and baking a ham: thawing the ham properly, keeping a clean working area, and preparation for the cooking method being used. Most hams are prepared in the same basic manner for many of the ham recipes you will use.
ham shopping guide Article
Knowing a little about ham helps to insure that you are selecting ham that is the appropriate type and quality for the ham recipe you are preparing. See our Ham Cooking Times to be sure you are cooking the ham for the appropriate time to produce a safe and delicious ham.
ham - how to cook and bake a ham Article
Ham is usually served on the holidays, so be sure to read our tips to learn how to cook and bake the perfect ham for your guests. There are many ham glaze recipes that can be used to enhance the flavor of ham and there are many different methods of cooking ham that can be used. When you end up with excess ham after a meal there are many leftover ham recipes that you can make to use up the leftovers.
carve a ham Article
After preparing your favorite ham recipe, you will need to know how to carve a ham properly to create moist tender slices. After being roasted for the proper cooking times, the whole ham, half ham, or ham portion will need to be carved into smaller pieces for serving.
lamb - miscellaneous cuts Article
Miscellaneous Cuts Whole cuts and scraps of fresh lamb can be rolled, cubed, or ground in a food store or meat market into various products that add convenience for the consumer.
cuts of lamb Article
Types of Lamb | Shoulder | Breast and ForeshankRib | Loin/Flank | Leg | Variety Meats | Special-Order Cuts Lamb, the meat from the carcass of a young sheep, is a lean red meat with a mild, but distinctive flavor.
be my valentine... Article
Valentine's Day has evolved not only as a celebration for adults, but also for children. There are many fun recipes for kids, such as frosted heart-shaped sugar cookies. We have Valentine Day ideas that include food, gifts, and activities for this special day.
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