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fish seafood - Glossary Search

Top 110 glossary terms found
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Term Name
smoked fish Glossary Term
Fish fillets that have been cured with smoldering, aromatic hardwood. Placed into a smoking chamber, the fish filets are exposed to smoke from the burning wood gives which provides a distinctive smoky flavor and aroma.
imitation seafood Glossary Term
Imitation Crab, Imitation Lobster,
striped bass Glossary Term
A lean saltwater fish with flesh that is tender, white, and mildly sweet. The Striped Bass is a saltwater fish that migrates to fresh water to spawn.
swordfish Glossary Term
A popular saltwater fish found in warm and tropical waters. The fish's upper jaw resembles a sword and is about a third of its length.
alaska pollock Glossary Term
A saltwater fish that is a member of the cod family and sometimes referred to as bigeye pollock or walleye pollock.
tuna Glossary Term
A saltwater fish found in temperate and tropical waters worldwide that is sleek in appearance and often silver, blue and black in color.
sturgeon Glossary Term
An anadromous fish, meaning it matures in saltwater, but migrates to fresh water to spawn. It averages in weight at 55 to 60 pounds, but some specimens grow much larger.
snapper Glossary Term
A saltwater fish that consists of many species. Some of the common species are red snapper, gray snapper, yellowtail snapper, and mutton snapper.
surimi Glossary Term
Surimi seafood is a product made from Alaska pollock, which has been processed into several different forms and flavored with crab, shrimp, scallops, and lobster.
trout Glossary Term
A round freshwater fish, which is found worldwide. There are several varieties of trout, including rainbow, brook, and lake.
tilefish Glossary Term
A saltwater fish found in tropical or moderately temperate waters throughout the world. They feed on mollusks, crab, shrimp, and squid and can be as small as 2 pounds and as large as 50 pounds.
sole Glossary Term
A saltwater fish found in the Atlantic off the U.S. and European coasts. There are five species found in the Atlantic waters near the U.S., but none are particularly good for eating.
sunfish Glossary Term
A North American freshwater fish, which consists of many varieties that are noted for their unique shapes and brilliant colors.
supremes Glossary Term
Skinless breasts of chicken, turkey, or game birds, generally with one wing bone attached. The term also refers to skinless and boneless fish fillets.
smoked trout Glossary Term
Trout fillets or whole fish that is cured and flavored with smoke from burning aromatic wood. The smoke from the smoldering wood gives the trout a sweet, mild flavor and a tender, moist texture.
turbot Glossary Term
A saltwater flatfish, found in European waters, which has a firm, white flesh that is lean and delicately flavored.
univalve Glossary Term
One of the two sub-classifications of mollusks, which are a class of shellfish. The two sub-classifications of mollusks are bivalves, which have a hinged double shell and univalves, which have one shell and include shellfish such as abalone, conch, snails, and squid.
smoked salmon Glossary Term
Fillets of salmon that have been flavored with the smoke from burning aromatic hardwoods. The smoke from the smoldering wood gives the salmon a distinctive smoky flavor and a fine texture.
abalone Glossary Term
A type of mollusk, related to the sea snail, having a flat, oval shell. The flesh can be cooked and is similar in taste to a clam.
albacore tuna Glossary Term
A variety of tuna that is very flavorful and has the lightest colored flesh of all the different species of tuna.
Top 110 glossary terms found
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