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beverage - Glossary Search

Top 250 glossary terms found
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Term Name
orange juice Glossary Term
The juice squeezed from an orange, which is used as a beverage that is generally served at breakfast.
shot glass Glossary Term
A measure and utensil used to determine the amount of alcohol added to a mixed drink beverage, such as a "jigger" or a "shot" of rum.
sommelier wine Glossary Term
The title given to a person who is typically employed in a restaurant, food and beverage service company, or a similar occupation who is capable of providing a depth of knowledge regarding different types of wine, their use, the pairing with other foods, and general background information.
kraut juice Glossary Term
The liquid that is removed from sauerkraut and processed into a juice form. Kraut juice is used to season various food dishes or used as an ingredient to make a kraut beverage.
creamer Glossary Term
A powdered solution that is a dried form of cream used to flavor brewed coffee, tea or other similar beverages.
soda water Glossary Term
An artificially carbonated water that is flavorless. It is used as a mix for alcoholic beverages and soda fountain drinks or is drank on its own.
seltzer water Glossary Term
An artificially carbonated water that is flavorless. It is used as a mix for alcoholic beverages and soda fountain drinks or is drank on its own.
au lait Glossary Term
The French term meaning "with milk". The term refers to the mixing of milk with beverages such as coffee or various types of foods.
madeira Glossary Term
A popular wine originating from the Portuguese Island of Madeira that is well known and served as an apéritif.
lemonade Glossary Term
A citrus drink consisting of lemon juice, water and some type of sweetener. Generally it is not a carbonated beverage.
can cover or keeper Glossary Term
A kitchen utensil designed to keep carbonated can contents from spoiling or losing their fizz. Beverages such as beer or soda that are traditionally sold in 12 ounce cans can use a Can Cover or a Can Keeper to prevent the fizz from escaping the can.
dubonnet Glossary Term
A fortified wine that has been seasoned with herbs and spices that is served as an aperitif. French in origin, this beverage is available as a red wine, known as Dubonnet rouge or a white wine referred to as Dubonnet Blanc.
scone Glossary Term
A quick bread, originating in Scotland, that is often served as a breakfast food or as a snack with a hot beverage.
café americano Glossary Term
Italian espresso that has been diluted with a little extra water to soften the espresso flavor. A similar beverage is referred to as caffè lungo.
café lungo Glossary Term
Italian espresso that has been lightly diluted with a little extra water to soften the espresso flavor.
instant coffee Glossary Term
A type of coffee that is processed into granules that does not require brewing in order to produce the beverage.
tea egg Glossary Term
Made in the form of a Tea Ball with a handle, this utensil is designed to hold bits of ingredients that are used to make beverages and flavorful foods.
germander Glossary Term
Often considered to be a perennial ornamental for use in gardens, Germander is a herb that is used in the food industry for the production of beverages or a herb considered by some to be helpful with medical problems.
espresso Glossary Term
A type of coffee that is produced with a selected bean, roasted until dark but not burned and brewed with special processes to create a beverage, which is significantly stronger than a traditional coffee.
hard sauce Glossary Term
Refers to a mixture of butter and sugar that are beaten together until smooth and then flavored with extracts such as vanilla or alcoholic beverages such as brandy or rum.
Top 250 glossary terms found
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