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appetizer snack - Glossary Search

Top 116 glossary terms found
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Term Name
zlata radish Glossary Term
Grown with a light tan to bright yellow colored skin that covers a bright white inner flesh, this variety of radish is native to the country of Poland.
queso de papa Glossary Term
A cheese common in the Caribbean that is very similar to a Colby cheese. Orange in color, this cheese has a firm, moist texture that provides a smooth tasting mild to tangy flavor for a variety of baked or fresh foods.
neapolitan salami Glossary Term
A variety of Italian dry sausage that is produced in the manner of artisan foods from the rural regions in and around the province of Napoli, Italy.
tilsit cheese Glossary Term
A German cheese made from cow's milk that is considered to be a semi-hard factory cheese. Tilsit is made into a wheel that has a thin off-white or almost yellow crusty rind.
lacy swiss cheese Glossary Term
Typical of many Swiss cheeses characterized by the holes ("eyes") found throughout the cheese, Lacy Swiss cheese also contains holes, but they are much smaller in size than the aged Swiss cheese.
leerdammer cheese Glossary Term
A Dutch table cheese, made from cow's milk that is firm but not hard and open-textured with large eyes.
capocollo Glossary Term
An Italian ham that is prepared by mixing meat from pork necks (capo or head) and shoulders (collo) with seasonings.
pear tomato Glossary Term
A variety of the red tomato that is similar in color and texture to cherry tomatoes but milder in flavor and smaller in size with a shape like a pear.
beaufort cheese Glossary Term
A French cheese made with cow's milk that is a pale yellow to golden yellow color with a hard texture and is produced in large wheel shapes.
turkey bologna Glossary Term
A meat product made of finely ground light and dark turkey meat, also referred to as MDM or mechanically deboned turkey.
ringwurst Glossary Term
A sausage, also called ring bologna, which is made from a combination of beef and pork, and contains no fillers or extenders.
branzi cheese Glossary Term
Also referred to as Mountain Banzi Cheese, this variety is produced in the mountainous region of Lombardy, Italy where the cows graze in alpine pastures.
oyster cracker Glossary Term
A small, hollow, hard-textured cracker most often served as an accompaniment to chowders, soups and stews.
mobay cheese Glossary Term
A U.S. artisan cheese with a split personality, Mobay contains one layer of goat's milk cheese and one layer of sheep's milk cheese pressed together and separated by a very thin layer of edible ash.
matzo Glossary Term
Unleavened cracker bread or flat bread that is baked into thin sheets to be easily broken apart for serving individual pieces.
mimolette cheese Glossary Term
A French cheese made from cow's milk that is typically a deep orange-colored, considered to be the same as aged Edam cheese.
castellano cheese Glossary Term
A Spanish sheep's milk cheese that has a natural rind with a zigzag pattern pressed into it. This pattern is the result of the curds being drained in special plastic hoops, which cause the pattern to form on the cheese.
brillat-savarin cheese Glossary Term
A cow's milk cheese from the Normandy region of France. It is a very rich and creamy cheese that develops a thick white crust as it ripens.
crescenza cheese Glossary Term
Native to Italy, this variety of cheese is very similar to an Italian stracchino cheese. Made from whole cow's milk, Crescenza is a fresh cheese that matures for only 2 to 5 days before being sold.
crucolo cheese Glossary Term
Produced in small quantities as a farmhouse or artisan cheese, Crucolo is a variety that is made from unpasteurized cow's milk.
Top 116 glossary terms found
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