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beverage - Glossary Search

Top 250 glossary terms found
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Term Name
butterscotch Glossary Term
A type of flavoring made from brown sugar and butter, which is used in many types of desserts, candies, cookies, toppings or frostings, sauces, beverages.
ageing Glossary Term
The process of maturing a food or beverage to improve the flavor of the item being aged. The purpose of storing a product so it can age is to improve the overall taste and to impart the distinct characteristics provided by each storing technique.
coconut water Glossary Term
The somewhat clear liquid endosperm that is contained within whole, young coconuts. Often promoted as a health beverage, Coconut Water contains no fat and very few calories.
dry stout Glossary Term
A rich extra dark malted beer, low to medium bodied, medium to high bitterness, intense with varying sweetness and dryness.
slush Glossary Term
A mixture of finely crushed ice and other ingredients that are used to create a thick, cold and refreshing beverage.
decanting funnel Glossary Term
A beverage utensil used to aerate and filter liquids, such as wine as it is poured into a decanter. There are a variety of different types available that are made with a wide mouth so the pouring and aerating is easier and more effective as the wine swirls and aerates when it is poured through the funnel.
café mocha Glossary Term
A coffee beverage with a slightly chocolate flavor. The ingredients in Café Mocha typically include: half coffee, half cocoa, and garnished with whipped or heavy cream.
stemware Glossary Term
wineglass, wine glass, wineglasses, wine glasses,
vegetable juice Glossary Term
A beverage made of tomato juice and a variety of vegetables blended together into a drink served for breakfast, snacks or as an ingredient for cocktails.
kirschwasser Glossary Term
A traditional alcoholic beverage from Germany that is produced from small semisweet cherries and crushed cherry pits, to become a high quality clear brandy.
atole Glossary Term
A common beverage native to Mexican regions that is served hot or at room temperature. It is made with corn starch or corn dough (masa de maiz), mixed with water and/or milk and sweetened with honey or sugar.
grappa Glossary Term
An Italian beverage that is considered to be a lower quality brandy. Unlike the traditional wine making process, grappa is distilled from grape by-products that include the pomace, skin, stem, and seeds that are processed but not aged.
bul Glossary Term
A traditional Cuban beverage consisting of lime juice, beer and ginger ale garnished with a slice of lime.
advocaat Glossary Term
A beverage traditionally served in the Netherlands that is made from egg yolks and brandy. It has a thick creamy consistency, similar to egg nog with a sweet flavor.
absinthe Glossary Term
A somewhat bitter, anise flavored liqueur, distilled from wormwood that is produced with a proof of 136 and an alcohol content of almost 70%.
white wine Glossary Term
A beverage containing alcohol, which is produced from fermented grape juice. White wine is a nonsparkling wine, which may vary in color intensity and can be dry, which is nonsweet, semisweet, or sweet.
decaffeinated coffee Glossary Term
A popular beverage brewed from ground coffee beans that have been processed to remove the caffeine. Since coffee beans naturally contain caffeine, the beans are processed with steam and with the use of filters, almost 98% of the caffeine is removed, leaving a small amount of caffeine remaining in all types of decaffeinated coffee.
whiskey Glossary Term
A type of alcoholic beverage distilled from fermented grains such as corn or rye. The flavor depends upon not only the type of grain used, but also the water source and the distilling process that is used.
wine Glossary Term
An alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of fruits and vegetables. Grapes account for the largest segment of wine making.
sangría wine Glossary Term
A beverage made from wine, fruit juices, soda water, and fruit. In addition, liqueurs and/or brandy may also be added to the mixture.
Top 250 glossary terms found
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