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lamb - Glossary Search

Top 156 glossary terms found
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Term Name
agnello Glossary Term
The Italian term for lamb.
agneau Glossary Term
The French term for lamb.
crown roast Glossary Term
Lamb or pork ribs (the end of the loin) that are shaped into a circle and secured with string so that the exposed rib bones are positioned upward.
navarin Glossary Term
A stew made from lamb and vegetables that is cooked slowly so that the meat is tender and to allow the vegetables to be flavored by the herbs and spices.
shank Glossary Term
Available most commonly from beef, buffalo, lamb, pork, and veal, this cut of meat is taken from the foreleg of the animal.
guard of honor Glossary Term
The bone ends of two racks of lamb can be interlaced and then tied to form a special preparation known as a Guard of Honor.
tongue loaf Glossary Term
Loaves of beef, veal, lamb, or pork tongue that have been cooked, sliced, pressed, jellied, and smoked.
sweetbreads Glossary Term
1) The thymus glands, from the neck or throat of a young calf or lamb, which are considered a delicacy for their distinct flavor and very tender texture.
kofta Glossary Term
A traditional Middle Eastern food dish made from finely minced pieces of beef or lamb that are formed into meatballs.
tryptophan Glossary Term
An amino acid naturally existing in foods such as spinach, mushrooms, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb, game, beans, and milk.
kefta Glossary Term
A traditional Middle Eastern food that consists of finely ground beef or lamb that is spiced with seasonings and made into meatballs or patties to be grilled.
blade roast Glossary Term
A cut of meat taken from the shoulder primal cut of pork, beef, lamb, or veal. The beef shoulder primal is often referred to the chuck primal cut.
koosa Glossary Term
A Lebanese food dish that most often consists of ground meat (beef or lamb), rice, and seasonings that are stuffed into a squash, such as zucchini.
blade steak Glossary Term
A specialty cut of meat taken from the shoulder primal cut of beef, pork, lamb, and veal. It is generally cut as a roast, but can also be sliced into 3/4 inch thick steaks.
irish stew Glossary Term
A type of stew originating in Ireland that is made with lamb or mutton, potatoes, onions, and seasonings.
sausage Glossary Term
A meat product generally consisting of pork, but also made of beef, veal, lamb, poultry, or a combination of several of these meats.
boulangere Glossary Term
A French term for "baker" that was traditionally used to denote food dishes baked by a "local" baker when French homes did not have access to ovens inside the home.
corn salad Glossary Term
A salad green that has small dark green, velvety leaves with a rich, sweet flavor, similar to hazelnut.
mâche Glossary Term
A salad green that has small dark green, velvety leaves with a rich, sweet flavor, similar to hazelnut.
boneless tenderloin Glossary Term
A long, cylindrical, boneless cut of meat, obtained from the loin primal, in beef, pork, veal, and lamb.
Top 156 glossary terms found
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