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dairy - Glossary Search

Top 40 glossary terms found
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Term Name
extract Glossary Term
The distilled or evaporated oils of foods or plants (such as nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, bark, buds, roots, leaves, meat, poultry, seafood, fish, dairy foods, or eggs) that are dissolved in an alcohol base or allowed to dry to be used as a flavoring.
buttermilk Glossary Term
A type of milk that is most often used as an ingredient to enhance baked goods with a rich tangy flavor.
caesin Glossary Term
Classified as a phosphoprotein, this substance is a protein that is most commonly associated with and found in milk and cheese products.
rice milk Glossary Term
A liquid that is made from the cooking and blending of white or brown rice and water. It can also be made from rice flour.
listeria Glossary Term
A foodborne pathogen or bacteria, referred to as Listeria monocytogene that causes illness from items that have been improperly handled, processed, or cooked, such as meats, poultry, seafood, and produce.
raw milk Glossary Term
Milk that has not been pasteurized. It is thought to be healthier because it has all its natural nutrients but it is at more of a risk of becoming diseased.
amazake Glossary Term
A thick fermented liquid popular in Japan that is made from the cooking and blending of white or brown rice and water.
acesulfame-k Glossary Term
An artificial sweetener that contains no calories and is most often used for cooking or baking, since it retains its sweetness when heated.
carbohydrate Glossary Term
One of three main categories of basic nutrients (the others are protein and fat) that are used by the body for energy.
processed cheese Glossary Term
A combination of one or more types of natural cheese that have been pasteurized to extend storage life.
cleaning hands when handling chilie peppers Glossary Term
When working with hot chile peppers use caution not to place hands or fingers around the eyes, mouth or other areas of the body that may be painfully affected by the capsaicin substance contained within the chiles that easily rubs off onto the hands.
sweet potato soup Glossary Term
A milk and/or broth-based soup made from the flesh of orange Sweet Potatoes. Typically, this soup contains bits of onion and garlic cooked in a chicken broth that is mixed with milk, yogurt or half-and-half as a base.
prebiotics Glossary Term
One of two related terms created by food industry technicians and scientists to describe the effect of or to describe foods having non-living microorganisms added to a base substance in order to create and develop a beneficial result for the health of humans.
chile pepper Glossary Term
A generic name, also spelled "chili," given to a broad range of over 200 varieties of hot peppers. Chile peppers are grown in different shapes, sizes, and flavors.
crab rangoon Glossary Term
Often credited with being created in the southeast Asian region previously known as Burma where Rangoon was the capital and a major city, this food is probably not an actual Asian inspired food.
kosher food Glossary Term
Any of a variety of foods that have been prepared, grown, and processed in accordance with Jewish laws.
fructose Glossary Term
A naturally occurring fruit sugar, also referred to as "levulose," which is present in fruits, honey and a variety of plants.
cream Glossary Term
cream, half and half, milk products,
food coloring Glossary Term
A chemical or natural additive that is used to enhance or alter the color of a food being processed or prepared.
gelatin Glossary Term
A thickening agent and food item made from pigskins or from beef bones, cartilage, and tendons. It is then processed into an unflavored, transparent protein powder and sold in a powder form, as granules, or as thin sheets which may be referred to as "leaves.
Top 40 glossary terms found
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