
Hot Pepper Jelly (spicy) Recipe

  • 1 pound Red Bell Peppers (ground or chopped)
  • 1 Sweet Onion (ground or chopped) (large)
  • 2 cups Vinegar (5%)
  • 1 teaspoon Butter (I cant believe its not butter)
  • 7 Habaneros (ground or chopped)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Chili Pepper Flakes
  • 4 cups Sugar (measured and set aside)
  • 1 box Pectin (Ball, low sugar/no sugar)
using gloves, and in a well ventilated area wash, remove seeds, chop or grind, peppers and onions. In a blender add (1) cup vinegar, peppers and onions and blend until pureed. Combined all ingredients in a large saucepan (except sugar) stirring until pectin is completely dissolved. Add butter and bring to a hard boil over high heat. Add sugar all at once and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Bring back to a hard boil and boil for (2) minutes. Ladle into very hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/4" head space. Wipe rims and threads with a clean damp cloth. Tighten rings and lids. Place on a towel and let stand over night to cool. Check seals and store in a cool dry place. Shelf life is one year and, refrigerator life is six months.
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