
Grilled Lobster Tails with Garlic Butter Recipe

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A tasty way to enjoy lobster! The garlic butter helps keep the lobster meat moist and adds a flavor punch.
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  • 2 lobster tails
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
10 mins
10 mins
20 mins
Melt butter in a medium pan. Peel the garlic cloves and chop fine. Saute the garlic cloves until almost brown. Remove pan from heat. Pour garlic butter into a measuring cup up to 1/4 cup level and set aside remaining butter for later use.

Slice the back of the lobster tail and meat, cut in half, open it and lay flat or piggyback the lobster tails by cutting the top and pulling the meal out to sit atop the shells. Do the same for the other lobster tail. Brush measured melted garlic butter on to the lobster meat. Sprinkle on some paprika, salt and pepper.

Oil grill grates with vegetable oil to prevent lobster from sticking. Preheat gas grill to medium-high heat. Put lobsters on grill, cooking for 5-10 minutes or until lobster meat turns white.

Remove from grill. Heat up the reserved garlic butter and serve with lobster tails, garnishing with chopped parsley.

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Grilled Lobster Tails with Garlic Butter Recipe Reviews

grilled lobster tails with garlic butter

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RTMember1929 User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
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"We butterflied these. It took about double the time expected but they were really good. I left the garlic whole in the butter as it melted so there wouldn't be chunks in it. And I cooked it a little longer wo it would get the nutty flavor of browned butter."
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