
Edamame Appetizer Recipe

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Edamame is a delightful "little bite," easy to prepare and fun to eat. The edamame (edible soybean) is high in protein and has a nutty flavor. There are many other edamame recipes you can enjoy, which include side dishes, salads, and snacks.
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  • 1 pound fresh edamame, in the pod
  • salt, preferably kosher or sea salt
5 mins
10 mins
15 mins
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add edamame and continue boiling until beans are crisp-tender, about 10 minutes. To prevent overcooking, start checking for doneness approximately 7 minutes after cooking. (To check, remove one carefully, dip in cold water to cool, and taste.)
  • When done, run cold water over, or put in ice water, to stop cooking. Drain well; pat excess moisture off, and sprinkle with salt to taste. (Start with 1/2 teaspoon.)
  • To eat, hold pod by stem end, and slide the individual beans out with your teeth. Discard pod. 
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Edamame Appetizer Recipe Reviews

edamame appetizer

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Rating of 3 out of 5.0 stars
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"Salt the water. Boil for 5 minutes. should be about done. Remove, place in strainer. Salt and toss."
Haley User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
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"A tasty low calorie treat. I make up a batch and nibble on them throughout the day."
Gama User
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"I found Edamame at one of our larger supermarkets and made this recipe. My kids and grandkids all loved these. They ate them all up while they were waiting for dinner to get ready."
cantcook User
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"When and where can I find fresh edamame?"
GrannyGrunt User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
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"I make these often because my daughter-in-laws love them and they are so easy to make. They are always looking for something healthy and low calorie."
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