
Brittle Bones Halloween Crafts and Treats Recipe

Bone Chilling! Who knew munching on bones could taste so good?! Rex knew all along! “Bone” appétit!
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  • 5 large pretzel rods
  • 10 thin pretzel sticks
  • 20 regular marshmallows
  • 20 mini marshmallows
  • 12 ounces to 14 ounce white almond bark
Step #1 Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper.

Step#2 Break the large pretzel rods in half.

Step#3 Smash all the marshmallows a little so they look more like the ends of bones and less like marshmallows.

Step#4 Push one end of a pretzel rod half through the long side of a regular marshmallow and do the same with the other end. Push one end of a whole pretzel stick through the long side of a mini marshmallow and do the same with the other end. Do this with all the pretzels and marshmallows. Be sure the ends of the pretzels aren’t poking through the opposite side of the marshmallows.

Step#5 In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the almond bark in the microwave until it’s soft, but still has a few small lumps (the lumps will make the bones even creepier).

Step#6 Carefully place 1 bone at a time in the melted almond bark and use a spoon to ladle it over the bone until it is completely covered. Using a fork, lift the bone and hold it above the measuring cup for a few seconds to let the excess almond bark drip off. Set the bone on the prepared cookie sheet. Do this for all the bones. Set aside the remaining almond bark.

Step#7 Set the cookie sheet in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If the almond bark looks too thin in some places, reheat the remaining almond bark and use a spoon to ladle a little of it over those areas (you don’t want bare bones). Refrigerate again until the bones are dry. Store in a covered container.

Makes 20 crunchy bones.

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Brittle Bones Halloween Crafts and Treats Recipe Reviews

brittle bones

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SophiaMiles User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
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"I absolutely LOVE making ( and eating...) Halloween treats. I found this one and Oh my giddy aunt, soooo soo good!! It's super easy. I brought these to a party and all but one bone was gone...so I quickly snatched it up and took it home :] Definitely will make these next year!! THANKS :D"
Rating of 3 out of 5.0 stars
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