A type of Jewish pastry or cookie that is filled with a wide range fillings (usually sweet), such as apricots, dates, prunes, poppy seeds, or a mixture of poppy seeds and honey. Some are even filled with chocolate. It is most often eaten at the time of the celebration of Purim. The pastry is formed into a triangular shape, which designates the three-cornered hat worn by Haman, the prime minister of Persia whose goal was to exterminate the Jewish people of Persia during the time of the Biblical figure, Esther. When the plot was unsuccessful and the Jewish people triumphed, the celebration known as Purim was declared. Hamantasch is prepared with a cookie dough flavored with citrus fruit (most often orange juice or zest). The dough is rolled into a thin sheet, the filling is placed in the center, and the dough is folded into the triangular shape. Hamantasch is also spelled, hamentash, homentasch, or homentash. More than one hamantasch is referred to as hamantaschen. |