Glossary - print - Spice Roaster or Toaster

Spice Roaster or Toaster - Glossary Term

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Spice Roaster or Toaster  
A utensil made to roast or toast various spices in order to enhance the flavors contained in the spice. A traditional Spice Roaster or Toaster will be made with a mesh container that with two halfs or a lid so the top half or the lid can be opened to insert the spices. By securing the spices in a closed container, it keeps the spices from popping out of the Roasting utensil as may occur if roasted or toasted in an open pan. As an alternative, an open pan can be used with a splatter screen over the top that will help to keep the spices contained as they heat. Spice Roasters and Toasters are available in various diameters. They range in size from 2 to 6 inches in diameter.

Various procedures are used to increase the intensity of spice flavors, such as grinding, crushing or heating spices in oil. However, heating and roasting a spice without oil provides an deeper flavor than can be achieved by grinding or crushing. Often, whole spices are roasted in a heavy pan or a small wire-mesh container, both of which are placed on stovetop burners and heated on a low temperature level for several minutes. As the spice heats, it darkens and emits an increased amount of aroma. While roasting, stir or shake to move the spices around in the pan or mesh Spice Roaster. When finished toasting, remove the spice from the pan or mesh roasting container to stop the cooking process. Pour the spices out on a plate and allow to cool.