A chemical compound, known as an ester, that is created as an alcohol and an acid compound react together, forming a triglyceride. A triglyceride is basically another way of referring to fats and oils formed in human tissues, but also existing in various foods rich in carbohydrates (carbs), such as bread, sweets, or rice. As different foods containing fats are consumed, triglycerides are absorbed or created and enter the body's bloodstream in the form of particles known as lipoproteins.
The body removes triglycerides as daily activities occur, which is desired since medical professionals are suggesting that increased levels of triglycerides contribute to coronary heart disease and high levels may lead to abdominal pain, pancreatitis, enlargement of liver and spleen, and skin ailments. Thus, limiting consumption of foods with fats often enables the body to remove sufficient amounts to maintain recommended levels of triglycerides. For adults, a triglyceride level of 150 to 200 mg/dL or less is suggested. A range of 200 to 400 mb/dL is borderline and indicative of increased levels. Higher levels of triglycerides occur as weight is gained from increased calorie intake due to foods with fats, sugars, and alcohol, all consumed with insufficient exercise to offset the calories. By limiting intake of various foods with high levels of carbohydrates and eating more triglyceride reducing foods, such as beans, vegetables, fruits, grains, fish or foods with fiber, a person can maintain a healthier triglyceride concentration in the body.
Measures to reduce triglycerides should include: 1) Increased exercise, 2) Reduced consumption of fats, snacks, fried items, and similar foods, 3) Limiting sweets to 5 grams per serving and eating only several a week, 4) Decreasing alcohol intake to only a few drinks per week, 5) Selecting beverages that are unsweetened or very low in calories, electing instead to consume more water or tea, 5) Increasing 3 to 5 servings of fruit daily and 3 to 5 cups of beans per week, 6) Increasing consumption of vegetables to 3 or 4 cups per day, 7) Selecting more foods containing grains and/or fiber, such as cereals, breads, and brown rice. |