A type of fruit containing a pit, also referred to as a stone, that attaches itself or clings to the fleshy pulp of the fruit. Plums or Clingstone peaches are both examples of stone fruits containing a pit that will have flesh attached after it is removed from the fruit. Most Clingstone peaches are harvested by canning companies and food manufacturers for use in producing commercial food products rather than distribution to food stores, so almost all of the peaches sold in food stores are freestone or semi-freestone varieties.
Fruits with pits that do not cling to the flesh are referred to as freestone or semi-freestone fruit. Semi-freestone (a cross of both freestone and Clingstone) and freestone fruits slice nicely, unlike Clingstone which are best used to purée or dice. Therefore, the freestone fruits are best served in appetizer trays, as sliced toppings on desserts, or for other food situations where nicely prepared slices are desired. |