1. A method of cooking food, such as meat, poultry, and fish, in an open pan and using dry heat (usually in an oven) to cook the food. The food is cooked until it reaches the proper doneness and develops a golden brown exterior and moist interior. Tender cuts of meat are the most suitable for roasting and tougher cuts are best when they are cooked with a moist heat cooking method, such as braising or stewing. An early form of roasting that is still used is to cook the meat on a rod over an open fire. To provide even roasting, the rod is turned, manually or by a motor, during cooking. This process is known as rotisserie cooking.
When roasting, allow the meat to warm up slightly if it is taken cold from the refrigerator, since meat that is very cold will does not roast consistently throughout. Use a well made roasting pan to cook the meat. Pans with high sides and good quality materials will enable the meat to roast more evenly as the pans conduct the heat more effectively. After the meat has cooked, allow it to rest, a process known as "carryover cooking" during which time the meat temperature will increase approximately 10ºF. Since the meat continues to cook while resting the rest period will enable the juices to be reabsorbed into the fibers of the meat.
2. A cut of meat that is trimmed from a primal cut of the animal, such as the chuck, rib, loin, and round from beef or the shoulder, rib, and loin from pork. It is cut to a size that is intended to serve more than one person. When prepared, the tender cuts are roasted with dry heat, while the tougher cuts are cooked with moist heat. |