Recipes - print - Irish Bread Pudding with Whiskey Caramel Sauce

Irish Bread Pudding with Whiskey Caramel Sauce - Recipe

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Preheat oven to 350.

Brush melted butter on one side of French bread slices, and place bread, buttered sides up, on a baking sheet. Bake bread at 350 for 10 minutes or until lightly toasted. Cut bread into 1/2-inch cubes, and set aside.

Combine raisins and whiskey in a small bowl; cover and let stand 10 minutes or until soft (do not drain).

Combine 1% milk and next 4 ingredients (1% milk through eggs) in a large bowl; stir well with a whisk. Add bread cubes and raisin mixture, pressing gently to moisten; let stand 15 minutes. Spoon bread mixture into a 13 x 9-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Combine 1 tablespoon sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over pudding. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes or until set. Serve warm with Caramel-Whiskey Sauce.

Note: Substitute 1/4 cup apple juice for the Irish whiskey, if desired.

Carmel Whiskey Sauce:

Combine sugar and water in a small heavy saucepan over medium-high heat; cook until sugar dissolves, stirring constantly. Cook an additional 15 minutes or until golden (do not stir). Remove from heat. Carefully add butter and cream cheese, stirring constantly with a whisk (mixture will be hot and bubble vigorously). Cool slightly, and stir in whiskey and milk.

Note: Substitute 1 tablespoon imitation rum extract and 3 tablespoons water for the Irish whiskey, if desired.

-1/4 cup light butter, melted
-1 French bread baguette, cut into 1 inch-thick slices (10 ounce )
-1/2 cup raisins
-1/4 cup Irish whiskey
-1 3/4 cups 1% low-fat milk
-1 cup Sugar
-1 tablespoon vanilla extract
-1 can evaporated skim milk (12 ounce can)
-2 eggs, lightly beaten (large)
- Cooking spray
-1 tablespoon sugar
-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Carmel Whiskey Sauce
-1 1/2 cups sugar
-2/3 cup water
-1/2 cup light butter
-2 ounces 1/3 less-fat cream cheese (Neufchàtel) (1/4 cup)
-1/4 cup Irish whiskey
-1/4 cup 1% low-fat milk