Recipes - print - Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake - Recipe

Cheesecake batter with pumpkin pie filling swirled in. Serve with some caramel topping for a great holiday dessert to share with friends or family.
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  • Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Put a large pan of water on bottom rack.
  • I used a big tin turkey roaster pan filled half full with tap water.
  • Mix together graham cracker crumbs, butter, sugar, cinnamon, and pecans.
  • Press into the bottom of a 9 inch spring form pan.
  • Mix together softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla in large mixing bowl.
  • Add in sour cream and flour; beat with electric mixer until smooth.
  • When that is mixed smooth add in 1 egg at a time (I think the large brown farm eggs are the best, but use large eggs if you get them from the grocery store; beat with mixer until creamy.
  • Pour 3/4 or more of the batter into the spring form pan.
  • Mix 8 oz. pumpkin pie filling into the remaining batter.
  • Spoon pumpkin pie mixture into cheesecake and gently marble with the spoon.
  • Bake at 325 degrees for 60 minutes or until the middle of the cheesecake rises.
  • The sides will rise over the top of the pan, but will sink back down as it cools.
  • Remove from oven and let cool on counter; loosen the spring-form ring but do not remove until cooled completely.
  • I also pour caramel topping over mine, the kind you use for Ice cream topping...YUM!
Cook Time: 1 hour
-1 cup graham cracker crumbs
-3 tablespoons sugar
-3 tablespoons butter, melted
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/4 cup finely chopped pecans (optional)
-8 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
-1 cup sugar
-1 tablespoon vanilla
-3 tablespoons all purpose flour
-1 cup sour cream
-4 eggs
-1 small can pumpkin pie filling