Recipes - print - Beef and Sausage Stuffed Green Peppers

Beef and Sausage Stuffed Green Peppers - Recipe

Almost like meatloaf stuffed into these fresh green peppers for a a great take on an old comfort food.
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  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Beat eggs well with the spices and ketchup.
  • Mix the hamburger and sausage together.
  • Combine the two mixtures and then add the cracker crumbs.
  • Cut the tops from the peppers then clean out the seeds. Cut 2 slits in the bottom of the pepper for the grease to drain through.
  • Stuff the peppers with your meat mixture and place the tops back on. They can be secured with wooden toothpicks.
  • Place the peppers in a baking pan and place in the preheated oven.
  • Bake for approximately 1 hour or until the meat is browned thoroughly and peppers are tender.
Cook Time: 1 hour
-2 eggs
-1 tablespoon garlic power
- salt and pepper
-1/4 cup ketchup
-1 1/2 pounds hamburger
-1 1/2 pounds sausage
-1/2 cup cracker crumbs
-6 bell peppers, whole