Recipes - print - Coconut Shrimp

Coconut Shrimp - Recipe

Coconut provides the perfect complement of sweetness and texture for these delicious breaded shrimp, which are accompanied by a terrific apricot dipping sauce.
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Coconut Shrimp Recipe
  • In a large bowl, combine the coconut, bread crumbs, salt and pepper.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs together.
  • In another medium bowl, place the flour.
  • Dredge the shrimp in the flour then dip them in the egg mixture, letting the excess drip off.
  • Then coat the shrimp with the coconut mixture.
  • Lay them out on a baking sheet.
  • Place 2-3 inches of oil in a dutch oven or frying pan and heat the oil to 350° F.
  • Fry the shrimp in small batches until golden brown, approximately 1 1/2 minutes on each side.
  • Remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels to drain.
  • For sauce, microwave on high the marmalade and rum, mixed together, in a small microwave safe bowl.
  • Thin out with more rum until it reaches your desired consistency.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Container: frying pan or dutch oven, large bowl , two medium bowls, one small microwave safe bowl.
-2 cups coconut - shredded
-2 cups panko breadcrumbs
- salt and pepper to taste
-2 cups flour
-4 eggs - large
-2 pounds shrimp - large, peeled and deveined
- vegetable oil
-1/2 cup apricot preserves or marmalade
-1 tablespoon rum