Recipes - print - Slow Cooker Baked Squash

Slow Cooker Baked Squash - Recipe

This is an easy way to prepare hard-rind winter squash, without peeling before cooking. If the squash fits the cooker, just wash and cook it whole. Otherwise cut it to size--so it works either way.
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Slow Cooker Baked Squash Recipe
  • Wash squash and put into slow cooker whole, if it will fit. If not, cut in half, scrape out strings and seeds and cut into whatever size pieces will best fit. Add 1 tablespoon liquid, cover and cook on low until squash is easily pierced through. Cooking time will vary with size and type of squash, usually 3-6 hours. Since it doesn't dry out in the slow cooker, over cooking is generally not a problem.
  • Squash can be served from the shell (if cooked whole, remove seeds and stringy pulp) or scraped out and mashed or puréed, then seasoned as desired. 
  • TIP: If cooking a large squash, remember that any extra will freeze well--and makes a delicious "pumpkin" pie.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 6 or more hours
Container: slow cooker
Servings: 4
-2 pounds winter squash, or whatever size fits
-1 tablespoon liquid--water, Worcestershire or soy sauce