| Directions | Suggestion: Add a pinch of pepper, paprika, dry mustard, chili powder, or other seasonings to compliment and garnish any food, such as this recipe for Herbed Egg Slices.
- Hard boil the eggs: in a small pan, cover the eggs with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook at a very gentle boil for about 10 minutes. Drain the water from the pan and refill with cold water. Tap each egg on the rim of the pan to break the shell and return it to the water for a few minutes.
- While the eggs cool, chop the herbs (try a mix of chives, parsley and tarragon) and mix with the salt, oil and vinegar.
- Peel the shells from the eggs. If the shells stick, it may help to run cool water over the eggs as you peel them.
- Cut the cooled, peeled eggs crosswise into slices 1/4th - 3/8ths of an inch thick. Spread them out on a plate and drizzle the herb mixture over them, making sure that each slice gets some. Use as a garnish, in salads, as a snack or on small crackers as an hors d'oeuvre.
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Container: small covered pan, serving plate Servings: 4
|  | Ingredients | - |  | 4 eggs |
- |  | 2 tablespoons fresh herbs, chopped |
- |  | 1/2 teaspoon salt |
- |  | 1 tablespoon olive or canola oil |
- |  | 1 teaspoon vinegar or lemon juice |
- |  | pepper, paprika, etc (optional) |
|  |