Recipes - print - Fried Egg Sandwich

Fried Egg Sandwich - Recipe

Do you ever get hungry for a fried egg other than at breakfast time? This tasty fried egg sandwich is a way to satisfy that craving. It is a great sandwich to make for lunch or for a quick weeknight meal.
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Fried Egg Sandwich Recipe
  • Melt the margarine in a skillet and then add two eggs. When the eggs have just started to cook, break the yolk so that it runs into the whites. Do not scramble.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • When the eggs start to brown slightly on the bottom, flip them over and cook until firm and starting to brown.
  • After you first flip the eggs over, place two pieces of bread in the toaster and begin toasting. The toast should be done close to when the eggs are done.
  • Lightly butter the toast and then place the eggs on one slice.
  • If desired, add cheese and tomatoes. Top with the second slice of toast.
  • Cut sandwich in two halves and serve.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
-1/2 tablespoon margarine
-2 eggs
- Salt and pepper to taste
-2 slices bread - your choice
- Colby Jack cheese - optional
- Tomato slices - optional