Tubular Pasta |
Pasta |
Description |
Estimated Cooking Time |
A medium sized tube pasta similar to elicoidali and tufoli. It has a 3/8 inch diameter and the ridges on the surface of bocconcini are slightly curved around the tube. It's length ranges from 1 3/8 to 1 1/2 inches. |
Cook for 9 to 10 minutes. |

Thick spaghetti shaped pasta that is hollow in the center, similar to a thin straw.
Cooking Time: Cook for 9 to 13 minutes. |
Calamarata (calamari)
Wide tubular pasta that is shaped like a large ring. |
Cook for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Calamaretti |
A smaller version of the calamarata tube pasta. |
Cook for 6 to 8 minutes. |
A shorter version of cannelloni. This pasta is approximately ½ inch in diameter and ¾ inch in length. |
Cook for 6 to 8 minutes. |
Cannelloni |
A wide (approximately 1 inch), straight pasta tube that is approximately 4 inches long. It is cut straight on both ends and has a smooth surface. |
Cook for 7 to 10 minutes.
Cannolicchi |
Short, straight tube pasta with a wide grooved surface. |
Cook for 11 to 13 minutes. |
A short, S-shaped pasta tube. |
Cook for 9 to 10 minutes. |
Cellentani / Gobbetti
A pasta tube that has been twisted to resembles the shape of a corkscrew. This same shaped pasta can be found as an organic whole wheat variety referred to as Gobbetti. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Short, chunky tube pasta in a semicircle shape.
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes. |
Chifferini |
A smaller version of chifferi pasta. |
Cook for 7 to 9 minutes. |
Elbow macaroni
The most common tube pasta shape. It is a narrow tube with a semicircular curved shape, which is approximately 1 inch in length. |
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes. |
A medium sized tube pasta similar to rigatoni. It is slightly narrower and the ridges on the surface of elicoidali are slightly curved around the tube, rather than straight as on rigatoni. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Fagioloni |
A narrow width pasta tube. It is has a mostly straight shape and is approximately 1 inch in length. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes. |
Fine ribbed squares of egg pasta that are rolled into tubular shape. Once rolled, they take on a shape similar to penne pasta but are actually more of a scroll shape. |
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes. |
Gomiti |
Short and chunky, c-shaped tube pasta. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |

Macaroni is used in reference to any narrow short tubular pasta. The tubes may be straight or curved in shape and vary slightly in width. The most commonly known is elbow macaroni. |
Cook for 8 to 12 minutes. Cooking time will vary according to size of the various types. |
A thick tube pasta that is approximately 1 ¾ inches long. There is also a short version of this pasta, which is known as macaroni. Maccheroni is also available with a ridged surface. |
Cook longer version for 9 to 12 minutes and cook the short version for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Maccheroncelli |
Long tube pasta that is slightly slimmer than a pencil and has a small hollowed out center. |
Cook for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Magliette |
A short, curved tube pasta. |
Cook for 8 to 11 minutes. |
A short, wide tube pasta with diagonally cut ends. This pasta has the same name as the shaped pasta that is roughly cut pasta scraps. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Large tube pasta that may be found with a ridged or smooth surface and ends that are straight cut or diagonally cut.
Cooking Time: Cook for 7 to 10 minutes. |
Mezzani Rigati
A slightly, curved tube pasta that is approximately 1 3/8 to 1 5/8 inches in length and 1/4 inch in diameter. It has a ridged outer surface and straight cut ends. |
Cook for 8 to 11 minutes. |
Mezze Penne
Short tube pasta with diagonally cut ends. This pasta is a short, stubby version of penne. |
Cook for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Mezzi Bombardoni
A wide pasta tube that is ¾ to 1 inch in diameter and 2 ½ to 2 ¾ inch in length. The end of this pasta are cut diagonally. |
Cook for 7 to 9 minutes. |
Mezzi Paccheri
A wide hollowed out tube of pasta that is a shorter version of paccheri. It is the same diameter as paccheri but is only approximately 1 ¼ inches in length. |
Cook for 7 to 10 minutes. |
Mezzi Rigatoni
A short, slightly curved tube pasta that is approximately 5/8 inch in length with a diameter of 1/2 inch. Because of its short length, the slight curve is barely noticable. It has a ridged outer surface and straight cut ends. Also referred to as mezze maniche pasta. |
Cook for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Tube pasta with diagonally cut ends, similar to penne but longer in length. Mostaccioli is approximately 2 inches long and is available with a smooth or ridged surface. |
Cook for 10 to 13 minutes. |
Large tube pasta that contains a wide hollowed center that is approximately 1 inch in diameter. Paccheri ranges from 1 ½ to 1 ¾ inches in length.
Cooking Time: Cook for 7 to 10 minutes. |
Pasta al ceppo
Tube pasta that is created by wrapping a strip of pasta dough around a thin stick. Its shape is similar to a cinnamon stick. |
Cook for 12 to 15 minutes. |
Penne rigate
Thin tube pasta with sharp diagonally cut ends, which resemble the end of a quill pen. Penne pasta is approximately 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inches in length. The rigate in the pasta name indicates that the pasta has a ridged surface. Penne is also available with a smooth surface. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Penne Zita |
A pasta that is similar to penne but has a slightly wider diameter. Penne zita is approximately 1 1/2 inches long. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
A shorter and thinner version of penne rigate pasta. Penette is also available with a ridged surface. |
Cook for 9 to 11 minutes. |
Pennine rigate
A thin version of penne, which is thinner than pennette. The rigate in the pasta name indicates that the pasta has a ridged surface. Pennine is also available with a smooth surface. |
Cook for 8 to 11 minutes. |
A larger version of penne that is wider in diameter than penne but approximately the same length. Pennoni is available in a smooth or ridged surface. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes. |
Long, tube pasta with a hollowed out center. Perciatelli is approximately double the thickness of spaghetti.
Cooking Time: Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Pasta tubes that are similar to penne pasta, only reginelle is slightly longer and smaller in diameter. Reginelle is also sometimes found as the name used for a wide, flat, wavy edge ribbon pasta named reginette. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes |
A slightly curved tubular pasta that is larger than penne rigate but smaller than rigatoni. It has a ridged surface and straight cut ends. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
A large, slightly curved tube pasta that is approximately 1 1/2 inches in length and 1/2 inch in diameter. It has a ridged outer surface and straight cut ends. |
Cook for 10 to 13 minutes. |
Sagne Incannulate
A long, ribbon of pasta, which is approximately ¾ inches wide that is twisted to form a spiral shaped tube. The tubes are approximately 13 inches long after they are twisted to form the tube.
Cooking Time: Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
Spaccatelle |
Short curved tube pasta shaped similar to a half circle. |
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes. |
Short lengths of triangular shaped pasta that is hollow through the center. Trenne pasta is 2 ¼ to 2 ½ inches in length. |
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
A smaller variety of trenne. It is narrower in width than trenne and only 1 ¾ to 2 inches in length. Do not confuse trennette with trenette, which is a different type of pasta. Trenette is a ribbon pasta. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes. |
Tortiglioni |
Tube pasta similar to rigatoni. Tortiglioni is narrower in width than rigatoni and its surface ridges spiral around the tube, rather than run parallel to the length as they do on rigatoni.
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. |
A 3/8 inch diameter, slightly curved, tube pasta that is approximately 2 inches long with straight cut ends. |
Cook for 7 to 10 minutes. |
Ziti - Cut

Tube pasta with a hollowed out center, which is approximately 1/4 inch in diameter. It is available cut in short lengths of 1 1/2 to 3 inches and is also available in long lengths of approximately 10 inches. The shorter lengths are sometimes found with a slight curve to them. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes, depending on size. |
Ziti - Long
Tube pasta with a hollowed out center, which is approximately ¼ inch in diameter. It is available in long lengths of approximately 10 inches and is also available cut to shorter lengths of 2 to 3 inches.
Cooking Time: Cook for 9 to 12 minutes, depending on size. |
Ziti rigati
Ziti pasta with a ridged outer surface. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes, depending on size. |
A slightly wider version of ziti pasta. |
Cook for 9 to 12 minutes. |