
Pork - Primal Cuts

There are numerous pork products available, consisting of fresh, frozen, cured, smoked, uncooked, fully cooked, and many heat-n-serve products. Some products are available breaded, seasoned or marinated. The products range in size from whole primal cuts down to cubes and strips of pork.

Whole Primal Cuts
The primal cuts can be purchased whole and then cooked whole or they can be cut down into sub-primal and retail cuts. Purchasing a whole primal cut will be more economical, but if you are not knowledgeable on how to cut the primal cut into smaller cuts, it may result in too much waste and incorrect cuts. The primal cuts most often ordered whole are the loin and the leg/ham. If a whole primal cut is desired, you will generally need to order it in advance. They are available fresh, cured, smoked, bone-in, boneless, and fully cooked.

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