
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Maker

See More Information on Making Homemade Ice Cream:
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream | Types of Homemade Ice Cream
Homemade Ice Cream Freezing Methods | Safety & Storage of Homemade Ice Cream
Tips on Making Homemade Ice Cream | Vanilla Custard | Strawberry

Making homemade ice cream can be done without the use of an ice cream maker. Instead, an electric hand mixer can be used to break up the ice crystals during the freezing process. The mixture can also be hand beaten using a fork or whisk; or a food processor can be used. Using a custard style ice cream recipe will will provide for a smoother ice cream when using this method but using a non-custard recipe makes it very easy for anyone to make a delicious homemade ice cream. Provided below is a recipe for Cookies 'N' Cream ice cream that is a popular flavor with everyone. This recipe can also be made using an ice cream maker for the freezing process. For other freezing methods, see Homemade Ice Cream Freezing Methods.

Preparing the Non-Custard Style Ice Cream Mixture - Cookies 'N' Cream


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups chilled whipping cream
  • 2 cups chocolate cream filled cookie pieces

Prepare Cookies

Break cookies into small bite size pieces. Place the pieces in a bowl or measuring cup and set aside until needed.

Scalding Milk

Pour the milk into a heavy saucepan. Over medium heat bring the milk to a gentle simmer (approximately 175°F) or until it begins to bubble around the edges. Remove from the heat.

Add Sugar and Salt

After removing from the heat, add the sugar and salt to the scalded milk.

Stir the scalded milk until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

Add Remaining Ingredients

Add half and half, vanilla, and whipping cream. Stir until well blended.

Cooling Ice Cream Mixture

Pour into a bowl and allow mixture to cool to room temperature.

Speed cooling process by placing the bowl in an ice water bath.

Chill and Age Ice Cream Mixture

Once the mixture has cooled, cover with plastic wrap and allow the mixture to age in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours. This aging process will give the mixture better whipping qualities and produce ice cream with more body and a smoother texture.

Get Homemade Ice Cream - Cookies 'N' Cream recipe.

Freezing without an Ice Cream Maker

The instructions below are for using an electric hand mixer to break up the ice crystals during the freezing process. The mixture can also be hand beaten using a fork or a food processor can also be used. This simple freezing process is referred to as a "still freezing" method because the ice cream is not stirred continually throughout the freezing of the ice cream mixture. This recipe can also be made using an ice cream maker for the freezing process. For other freezing methods, see Homemade Ice Cream Freezing Methods.

Prepare for Freezing Process

After aging (chilling) the mixture, remove from the refrigerator and stir the mixture. The ice cream is now ready for the freezing process.


Transfer the ice cream mixture to a freezer safe bowl or container if not already in an appropriate one. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, foil or an airtight cover.

Place the container in the freezer and allow the mixture to freeze for 2 hours.

Remove from the freezer and beat with a hand mixer to break up ice crystals that are beginning to form.

Cover and place back in the freezer.

Freeze for 2 more hours and then remove from the freezer and beat again with the hand mixer. The ice cream should be thick but to soft to scoop. If it is not thick enough, return it to the freezer for additional freezing time. Beat again before adding cookie chunks.

If ice cream has thickened properly, stir in the cookie chunks until well distributed throughout the ice cream. Do not beat with the hand mixer after the cookie chunks have been added. Beating would break the cookies into crumbs and tiny pieces.

Hardening the Ice Cream

Pour into a plastic airtight freezer container. Pack the ice cream in the container. Be sure to leave at least 1/2 inch head space for expansion.

Cover and place the container in the freezer and allow the ice cream to freeze until firm.
After the ice cream has hardened sufficiently, take the ice cream container out of the freezer, remove the cover and scoop ice cream into bowls or cones. Serve and enjoy!


How to Make Homemade Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Maker Reviews

how to make homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker

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Comments (3)
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"Why is mine only half cream after i mixed it for a long time? Help pls"
Torla Moon
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
Reviewed By
"I made this for my hole family. My mom tried it while it was still in the slushy stage and said, "That's way better than store bought ice cream," It turned out good. My only complaint is it takes so long to make. But other than that it taste great. When it comes to this recipe I would advise you to have an ice cream maker, or all the time in the world lol"
RecipeTips.com User
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"Food4me, if you go to this address, http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--1383/noncustard-style-homemade-ice-cream.asp, you will find a recipe for strawberry ice cream that you could use. Just follow that recipe but when it comes to the freezing process use this information. This strawberry ice cream is delicious. Good luck and hope you enjoy it."
food4me User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
Reviewed By
"I was excited to find this information. I don't have an ice cream maker but I love homemade ice cream. I am going to make some strawberry ice cream as soon as my strawberries are ready. Does anyone have any good strawberry ice cream recipes?"
CountryGirlAtHeart User
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
Reviewed By
"I thought this looked too easy to be true so I tried it. I was surprised at how well it worked. I will have to try it again soon."
Comment By
"im not done yet bt i know its gonna be great"
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"When i froze it for 2 hiurs and breal the ice crystals, bubbles were starting to form. Was it wrong?"
Rating of 5 out of 5.0 stars
Reviewed By
"It was very delicious! I have a question, too. If you age it for 24 hours is it better? Thanks!"
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