
Dyeing Eggs

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Dyeing Easter eggs is a traditional activity that is followed in many households during the Easter holiday. Generally the parents prepare the eggs for dyeing by cooking the hard boiled eggs; and then the kids step in to help with dyeing the eggs.

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There are many different dyeing kits available in the stores but all you really need is some food coloring to dye the eggs. Dyeing Easter eggs is a fun activity for all to enjoy; you will not only end up with dyed eggs that can be hidden for the kids to find or that can be used as Easter decorations, but you can also remove the shell and then eat the hard boiled egg inside. For ideas on how to use up the hard boiled eggs, see our collection of Hard Boiled Egg recipes. If the dyed Easter eggs are going to be consumed, be sure that they are stored properly.

How to Dye Eggs

Preparing Eggs for Decorating | Preparing the Dye | Color Chart

When dyeing Easter eggs, the eggs are hard boiled or they are hollowed out. Whichever you choose, the steps below will help in creating wonderful colored eggs.

Preparing eggs for decorating

Hard Boiling Eggs | Hollow Eggs

Hard Boiling Eggs

Pierce the large end of the eggs with a pin. This pierces the air cell, allowing the air to escape, preventing a flat spot from being formed on the large end of the egg during the cooking process. It also helps in making the eggs easier to peel after cooking. Prick eggs with Pin
Pour cold water into a saucepan and add 1½ teaspoons of salt per quart of water. (The salt may help make the peeling process easier). Make sure there is enough water in the pan so that the eggs will be completely covered. Bring the water to a boil and with a large spoon, place the eggs into the water. Eggs in pan
When the water returns to a boil, turn down the heat so that the water is at a low simmer and then begin timing the eggs for the desired doneness. Do not cover the pan. Boiling Eggs

Hollow Eggs

If you would like to display your eggs, it is a good idea to “blow out” your eggs before decorating. Poke a whole in each end of a raw egg, the largest whole on the large end, with a pin. With the pin, break up the yolk on the inside of egg. Blowing through the small end of egg, blow the insides of the egg through the large whole. Wash egg and let dry before decorating.

Preparing the dye

Preparing the dye to color eggs can either be done with a store bought kit or made at home with food coloring. For the store bought kit, follow the directions on the package. To make dye at home be sure that you have enough containers available for each color that you want to create. Each color will need 1 cup of water, 2 teaspoons distilled vinegar and the desired food coloring.

Gather all of the ingredients needed. Make sure to lay out old newspapers or paper towels on the work surface to soak up any spills that might occur. Egg Dying Ingredients
Add the vinegar to the water and the desired number of drops of food color to achieve the color that you want. Dying Eggs Blue In color
Carefully lower the egg into the dye with a spoon or egg dyeing utensil that comes in most egg dyeing kits. Make sure that the egg is completely covered with the dye. Dipping Eggs in Dye
Allow the eggs to sit anywhere from two minutes to overnight to reach the desired color. When finished, carefully remove the egg from the dye, pat dry with a paper towel and allow to dry competely on a wire rack. Removing Eggs from Dye

Once the eggs are dry, they can be gathered together and stored in a basket or container until you are ready to hide them, or decorate with them. If the eggs are going to be eaten, be sure they are stored properly until you are ready for them to served.

Color Chart

Color Number of drops of coloring
Orange 17 Yellow and 3 Red
Purple 15 Blue and 5 Red
Dark Green 14 Green and 6 Yellow
Raspberry 14 Red and 6 Blue
Teal 15 Green and 5 Blue
Plum 10 Red and 4 Blue
Grape 17 Blue and 4 Red
Fucshia 18 Red and 4 Blue


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