When used for making breads, loaf pans are produced to make a semi-crisp crust with an evenly textured crumb, however not all pans are effective in doing so, so it may require testing to achieve the desired result. When making meat loaf, ham loaf or similar food dishes, most all of the loaf pans are resonably effective for producing good results. Larger pans enable breads to bake into a more airy and fluffier texture. Small sized pans, such as mini-loaf pans or slightly larger work well for making gift or dessert loaves that can be cooked in less time. Lighter colored pans will often provide a lighter colored loaf of bread while darker colored pans and glass pans often provide more of a golden tan and nicely browned crust. Loaf Pans may also be referred to as mini-loaf pans or bread pans.