
Bush Tomato

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Native to Australia, this fruit grows on bushes maturing from a pale green into a small yellow colored berry. Thriving in sandy arid soils, the Bush Tomato dries into a wrinkled, medium to dark brown raisin-like fruit, hence the origin of its name when often referred to as a Desert Raisin. Also known as the Desert Tomato or Akudjura when dried and ground into a spice, the Bush Tomato provides an earthy tomato flavor that is somewhat tangy, like a green tomato with a light fruity and caramel overtone. Bush tomatoes are served fresh or used as a dried ground spice to season fish, poultry and meats as well as an ingredient for soups, casseroles, salsas, sauces such as pasta sauce, relishes, dressings, and chutneys.

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