
Winston Potato

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A variety of potato that is more evenly round and a bit smaller in width than the russet potato. The round white potato has a medium level of starch, which is considered lower than the starch level of a russet. Fine textured, the dense white flesh of this potato provides a creamy consistency after being cooked, producing meat that holds its shape well. Round white potatoes are best suited for baking, roasting and boiling so it is a good choice for making salads and roasted potatoes.

When selecting, choose those that are firm and plump, avoiding those that have shriveled skins, sprouting eyes, soft spots, blemishes and green spots. Store potatoes in a cool dry place. They will keep at room temperature for up to two weeks and longer when stored in cool temperatures. Do not store in the refrigerator because the cold temperatures will convert the starches into sugar and the potato will become sweet and turn a dark color when cooked. Do not store with onions, the gas given off by onions accelerate the decay of potatoes.

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