
Yogurt Cheese

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A creamy cheese product produced when the whey is drained from yogurt. With a higher concentration of nutrients after the whey is removed, yogurt cheese provides a creamy smooth cheese that is low in calories, sodium, lactose, and cholesterol. Yogurt cheese made from plain yogurt has a mild flavor, which is similar to cream cheese or sour cream. As it quickly takes on the flavor of the food it is mixed with, yogurt cheese can be blended into jam, jelly, spreadable fruit, or peanut butter to be served as a spread for bagels, English muffins, or toast. It is also a good way to lessen the amount of fat in some products such as mayonnaise, potato toppings, and ice cream by mixing equal portions of the desired condiment such as mayonnaise or toppings with the yogurt cheese.

Yogurt cheese is made by taking low-fat or nonfat yogurt that does not contain gelatin, and placing it in a draining device that is placed over a bowl to catch the whey as it drains. Using a strainer lined with a cheesecloth folded into two layers is a good method to drain the whey from the yogurt. Also, a coffee filter placed in a strainer is another method instead of the cheesecloth. After the yogurt begins to drip away the whey, cover the container with plastic and place it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. The longer the yogurt is allowed to be strained, the firmer the cheese becomes. When finished being strained, the whey is removed from the yogurt and the result is a creamy smooth yogurt cheese with a texture similar to cream cheese. 1 cup of yogurt with whey will provide approximately 1/3 cup of yogurt cheese.

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