When young and tender, gai choy is used for salads, similar to cabbage salads, as steamed greens, or for stir-fried and baked dishes. Mature greens are often added to soups or stews. In addition to being referred to as mustard cabbage or bamboo mustard cabbage, gai choy is also known as gaai choy, Chinese mustard, Chinese mustard cabbage, oriental mustard, or Asian mustard greens.
When selecting, choose greens with firm nicely colored pale leaves that do not show stress, do not have yellowed areas, that are not limp in appearance, and that do not have holes in the leaves. For best flavor, keep the greens stored in a plastic bag, refrigerated for 4 to 6 days. To prepare, cut the leaves into pieces prior to washing. Place the greens into water and rinse thoroughly. A second washing may be best and then begin to prepare the greens for the food desired. To store, place greens in a plastic bag that allows some air to enter and refrigerate where they can kept for approximately 6 to 8 days.