
Fromage Blanc Cheese

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A French style fresh, white cream cheese made from whole or skimmed cow's milk and whipped into a smooth texture. It has a very soft, almost runny consistency, similar to yogurt, and can be blended nicely as an ingredient into sauces or as a complement to desserts. It is a cheese that is much like the German, Dutch and English cheese referred to as Quark, however it does not contain as much fat as Quark.

Since it may curdle when heated to certain temperatures, Formage Blanc, which is also referred to as fromage frais, is best used in uncooked foods. Testing with the use of this cheese may be helpful to determine if it can be added to the foods being cooked. It is traditionally available plain or various flavors, being flavored with fruit, herbs and other spiced ingredients. It is lower in cholesterol and fat than cream cheese and can be used as a good substitute for recipes requiring cream cheese or yogurt.

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