
Mamey Sapote

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A tropical berry fruit, shaped like a football that may range in weight from 1 to 8 pounds and be 4 to 8 inches long when harvested from the sapote tree. This fruit has a thick brown woody skin that covers a salmon to red colored smooth pulp containing a large pit. A mamey sapote provides a sweet flavor that may have an almond, raspberry, a peach, or an apricot flavor. Mamey sapotes can be served raw, as an ingredient to fruit drinks, milk shakes, and fruit salads. Or it can serve as a fruit base for flavorful desserts. When the fruit is ripe, the inner flesh will turn from pale green to salmon or yellow-orange colored. Stored in the refrigerator, the fruit will last up to 4 or 5 days without loosing much flavor. Also known as sapote or mamey colorado.

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