
Snow Pea Leaf and Tendril

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The tender uppermost leaf and Tendril of the snow pea sprout that grows during the early stages of development of the snow pea plant. The Tendril is the leafless part of this climbing plant. Often labeled as "pea shoots" this combination of Tendril vine and leaf can be eaten raw in salads, steamed as a vegetable dish or used in stir-fry dishes. Snow Peas and Tendrils are a good source of Potassium, fiber and Vitamin C.

The Tendril is the vine or stalk part of the pea plant with the leaves. As it grows, small buds begin to appear and grow upward from the stalk. Select Tendrils and Pea Pods that are nicely greened, crisp and not limp or wilted-looking with dark spots. Wash thoroughly and to store, keep refrigerated in the coolest section of the refrigerator for no longer than a week, enclosed in a plastic bag with a little air.

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