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Harusame Noodles
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A Japanese noodle that is thin and translucent in appearance, similar to cellophane noodles. They are made from potato, rice, corn, or mung bean starches. Harusame noodles are round or flat, thin rods that are generally 5 to 7 inches in length. They are also found as long, thin delicate noodles gathered in tight bundles. The noodles are often used as a raw ingredient to add a crunchy texture to salads and side dishes or they may be deep-fried to provide an added flavor. When soaked in a broth or hot water prior to serving, the noodle is then added to main or side dishes as a cooked noodle. Harusame is also referred to as Japanese vermicelli and at times you will see them called salad noodles.
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