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Sunshine Squash
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Similar in appearance to a pumpkin, this variety of squash is a Kabocha winter squash that has a bright reddish-orange skin. Common Kabocha varieties include the Green Kabocha and the Orange Kabocha, also known as the Sunshine squash. Good for baking, the golden orange flesh of the Sunshine, which is a tender stringless flesh, provides a sweet nutty flavor as a side dish, as a filling for pies, as a soup squash, or when prepared in baked goods. Small and globe-shaped, the Sunshine squash typically grows to 3 or 4 pounds in size.

Kabocha squash can be baked whole or in halves. To bake whole, pierce the skin with a fork several times and place in a low baking pan with water. To bake one half, cut the squash lengthwise and remove the seeds. The half section can then be placed on a baking pan with the outer skin placed down on the baking pan. When selecting a Kabocha squash, which is generally available all year round, do not select those that have a tender skin or show pitting. The outer skin should be hard with a stem that is intact and looks fresh. Store up to one month in a cool dry location with good air circulation. When cut open, the fresh sections of squash can be stored in plastic wrap and refrigerated for a week or less. Kabocha squash are also known as Delica, Ebisu, Kobacha, Japanese Pumpkin, Japanese squash, and Hoka squash.

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