Prepared like other Delicata squash, the Sugar Loaf Delicata can be baked or steamed and served as a side dish seasoned with butter and herbs, providing a sweet nutty flavor with a creamy smooth texture. When preparing in an oven, cut the squash in half by cutting down the length of the oval shape. Place the squash with the skin side down in a dish containing 1/2 inch of water. Cover the dish and bake for 1/2 to 3/4 hour at 375 degrees. In a microwave, cook for approximately 20 minutes in a dish with a loose cover of plastic wrap. The Sugar Loaf squash are best during August to October and can be kept for 7 to 8 months in a cool dry area. Like the common Delicata, this variety may also be referred to as a potato squash, a sweet potato squash or a Bohemian squash, although those names are most often given to the common Delicata.