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Ganache Frosting
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Ganache Frosting is a type of frosting that does not require any additional decorating unless desired. It provides an elegant finish to the cake on its own. It is typically used as a glaze, which is poured over a single layer chocolate cake, providing a shiny, delightfully rich looking cake. If desired, you can add an additional decorative touch by drizzling with chocolate, adding chocolate curls, topping with strawberries or raspberries or whatever you feel is appropriate for the occasion.

Although ganache frosting is often used to provide an elegant finish to a cake, it is also used as whipped frosting and for piping. The ganache is made in the same manner but allowed to set up to achieve different consistencies. To make a whipped frosting from the ganache it is allowed to cool in the refrigerator just until it is slightly cool to the touch. Then it is whipped in the same manner as heavy whipping cream. For best results, use a cool mixing bowl and beaters. If you are going to use the ganache as piped frosting be sure it is allowed to set up completely. It should be firm enough to scoop out a spoonful and mold it.

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