
How To Peel Garlic Video

How To Peel Garlic Video
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RecipeTips.com's video demonstration on how to peel garlic. For more cooking tips and advice visit RecipeTips.com.
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Today I am going to demonstrate how to peel garlic. Begin by removing the outer, papery layer from the bulb of garlic. This will expose the cloves of the garlic. The next step is to take the bulb of garlic and place it stem side down on a cutting board. Use the palm of your hand to press down and away from you to break apart the individual cloves of garlic. The next step is to remove the root end of the clove of garlic. Slice that off and then lay your knife flat on top of the clove of garlic and press down slightly just to remove the skin. Peel the skin off and the garlic is now ready to slice, chop or mince. For more information on preparing garlic, visit www.Recipetips.com.

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