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Member Since: 01/01/2010
Last Updated: 01/01/2010
Sex: male
Birthdate: 05/15/1940
Country: USA
Homepage: http://www.TheStropShop.com
Occupation: Master Sharpener (especially knives-all kinds-and shears-all kinds)
About Me: I have been sharpening for the public since 1992. I love to prepare food for consumption. I love to sharpen the tools that are used for food preparation. I love to savor food and, yes, I have carved a turkey at the table, julienned a carrot and have sharpened thousands of knives for profesional chefs who appreciate the fact that I know knives and I know the best edge for every task because I practice using as well as sharpen them.
Hobbies: Reading, Music, Wine, Gardening, golfing
Cooking Level: Intermediate
Recipe Box: 0
Recipes Submitted: 0
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Ratings & Reviews: 0
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Forum Posts: 3   view forum posts View Member Forum Posts

RagMopp's Recent Forum Posts

Re:Let's get the knives out.....And the sharpeners.....
Posted: 05/29/2011 08:43:50 AM
If the knife came out of the box with a damaged edge, the best thing to do would be to return it to the manufacturer and ask for a replacement without damage. Go online, look the manufacturer up, contact them and find out what their policy is--and follow it to the letter. The factory will very likely be happy to replace it if you are willing to pay the postage. Then, if the factory refuses to replace it (or at least repair it free of charge), a professional sharpener should be able to handle it. Don't even think about using a Chefs Choice to sharpen your expensive knives becuase over a short period of time, your knives can be damaged.
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Re:pan drippings-chicken
Posted: 07/17/2010 08:02:52 AM
Hi Lee12: My cooking school was watching my mom cook and one of the things she did well was make white gravy from fried chicken drippings. She would fry the chicken in a 10" cast iron skillet, when the chicken was done she would transfer it to a serving tray, then she would pour-off all but two or three tablespoons of the drippings. To make a roux she added two or three tablspoons of all purpose flour to the hot drippings, stirring it with a whip to prevent lumping. Then she would salt and pepper the roux, still cooking it over a very hot burner, then she would add a quart of whole milk, stirring as she did so. When the gravy began to boil it would thicken and make the best white gravy (also called milk gravy) you could ever imagine. She served the gravy with her mile-high buttermilk biscuits and the fried chicken, spooning the gravy over the biscuits. Mmmmmm good!
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Re:is there any one there??
Posted: 02/19/2010 6:30:33 PM
Hi, Stephani: The recipe tips forum seems to be slow but they do have some good recipes. Are you looking for a certain type of egg recipe or technique? RagMopp
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