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Ardavids Honey Glazed Chicken Recipe

Posted: 07/03/2008 4:20:01 PM
Tags:  recipe, glaze, sauce, chicken recipes, chicken breasts, chicken


One of our RecipeTips.com Community members, “ardavids,” submitted a terrific chicken recipe that I highly recommend. She calls it, “Honey Glazed Chicken,” which is a pan-fried dish featuring a tasty, easy-to-make sauce using the pan drippings. (I’m a sucker for pan sauces.) The chicken (she used skinless chicken breasts) is rubbed with salt, pepper, and dried sage; then it’s cooked in olive oil, butter, and minced garlic. After the chicken has cooked 10 to 15 minutes on both sides, a mixture of honey and balsamic vinegar is added; then the chicken is cooked until done. The chicken is removed from the pan and kept warm while the sauce is prepared. The pan is deglazed with vodka and the sauce is allowed to reduce; then it’s poured over the chicken prior to serving. Yum!

The only change I made to the recipe is that I multiplied it by four (for four people), because the recipe was for only one serving. Oh, and I may have been off on the amount of vodka I used to deglaze the pan. When I was pouring the vodka into the pan (directly from the bottle—I should have known better), my hand must have went into a weird spasm or something, because more came out of the bottle than the recipe called for. Okay…maybe I didn’t have a spasm, but I’m sure the extra vodka didn’t hurt anything. And, for all of you who are apprehensive about using booze in your cooking, remember, when adding hard liquor or wine to a sauce, the alcohol burns off (if the pan is still on the burner) leaving only the wonderful taste behind. Anyway, I want to thank “ardavids” for her great recipe, because I thoroughly enjoyed it and I know you will too!

Recipe Tips Blog Moderator

ardavids said...
I used vodka because I didn't want the high fruity notes of wine. But I'm sure any alcohol would work just as well. I'm glad it went over so well!
Posted on: 08/26/2008 7:58:40 PM

ardavids said...
I'm glad! Thank you!
Posted on: 08/26/2008 7:56:51 PM

ardavids said...
I'm glad! Thank you!
Posted on: 08/26/2008 7:56:50 PM

cantcook said...
I made this last weekend and everyone thought it was really tasty. Thanks for the tip.
Posted on: 07/17/2008 08:40:17 AM

Love Food said...
I tried this chicken recipe on the 4th of July and everyone loved it! I didn’t have any vodka, so I used a little white wine…still delicious. I’m interested to find out what the vodka would do to the flavor, so next time I’ll make sure to have some on hand. Thanks!
Posted on: 07/06/2008 10:47:18 AM

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