Yes, another chicken recipe; and again, it's cooked on the grill. I know it might seem repetitious to write about another chicken recipe, but this time of year, I rarely get tired of trying different grilled chicken dishes. But, as much as I like it, I'm never satisfied to simply throw a piece of chicken on the grill and cook it up plain. No, adding salt and pepper isn't my idea of walking on the wild side; I think a grilled chicken breast always tastes better when it's seasoned with various herbs and spices or when it's topped with barbecue sauce or salsa or chutney or whatever.
And so, with that said, I decided to try a quick-and-easy recipe called "Herb Grilled Chicken."
Brushed with a paste made with fresh basil, fresh lemon thyme, black pepper, and olive oil, the chicken turned out moist and delicious. This recipe calls for skinless chicken breasts, which I used, but I also threw on a few thighs and left the skin on. The herb mixture made the crispy grilled chicken skin even more delicious.
When the chicken was ready to serve, I topped it with a generous helping of parmesan; then I served the chicken alongside a great-tasting vegetable dish called "Spring Vegetable Medley."
This is an excellent side dish for any meal, but it seems especially suitable for backyard cookouts as an accompaniment for grilled foods. It paired very well with the "Herb Grilled Chicken." Among the listed ingredients in the vegetable dish is edamame: a type of young green soybean, which is becoming increasingly popular in this country. It works very well in this recipe. You can find edamame in most Asian markets. Anyway, I hope you’ll try both of these recipes, because I'm sure you won't be disappointed.