
Moth Bean

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A small bean, very common in India that provides a good source of protein when cooked as a food dish. Pronounced as "moat" this bean is oblong in shape, small in size and light tan to brown in color. The inner meat, which is golden yellow in color, provides an earthy and somewhat nutty flavor for main dishes, side dishes or snack food (sev) made with this bean. Generally the moth bean is eaten as a sprout or as a dhal (also known as dal) which is a hulled bean. Whole beans which have not been hulled, are also consumed and require soaking prior to cooking. They should remain in water for at least 8 hours after which they can be drained, placed in fresh boiling water, and cooked for 15 minutes or longer. The hulled beans, or dals with the husk removed may not need soaking and require shorter cooking times. Other names for this bean include dew bean, haricot, mat, mot, muth, and papillon.

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