
Crottin de Chèvre Cheese

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A French term used to describe a small round, molded cheese made from goat's milk. Translated into the word "dung or horse droppings", the term Crottin is used mainly in reference to the shape and finished appearance as small round forms of cheese. Some of the typical cheeses that may be mentioned when considering a Crottin include Crottin de Chavignol, Crottin d'Ambert, Crottin de Pays, and Crottin du Berry, named for the regions in France where they are produced.

When selecting, buy a Crottin that is not too young and fresh (bright white) nor too old and yellow or tannish in color. After a Crottin is a week old, it has a yeast-like flavor with a moist texture. As it ages for a few days longer the cheese begins to become more flavorful, providing a nuttier flavor that becomes sweeter when reaching 3 weeks of age. Similarly, as the flavor improves, the texture becomes more dense and creamy. A favorite way to prepare a Crottin is to baste it with a vinaigrette, bake or grill it until slightly warm, cut in half or quarters, and serve over a bed of greens as an appetizer or salad dish, which is a popular French dish. Crottins can also be served as dessert cheeses, pairing them with fruit, hard crusted breads and a light, fruity red wine.

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