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Plaice is a flatfish, which is characterized by a very flat body and like other flatfish, have both eyes located on one side of the body. The plaice (like other flatfish) swim horizontally with the eyes facing upward. The side facing down is always a very pale color. The plaice is a member of the flounder family and is found in two varieties: the American plaice and the European plaice. The American plaice can be shades of reddish to gray-brown and grow as large as 12 or 13 pounds, but are generally marketed at 2 to 4 pounds. It is a low-fat fish with a fine texture and a delicate sweet flavor. The European plaice is very similar to the American plaice, but has a different coloring. It is brown with reddish orange spots on the top and the same pale color on the bottom. Both varieties are available fresh or frozen and whole or filleted and both can be cooked with almost any method. To check the fish for doneness, use the tip of a sharp knife and cut through the thickest part of the fillet. If the fish has been properly cooked, the meat will appear opaque, but will still be moist.

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